Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Triangles and some websites you can use for additional information

Today we learned about Triangles.........

I know that we are starting to get into some things that are going to be slightly confusing.  I understand that.  I am here to help you.  Below, you will find some links to some websites that will help you throughout the semester with your homework and they will also be available to your parents so they will also know what you are doing at all times in my class.

I hope that these will be a great start for you.  Remember, if you have ANY questions, you CAN contact me.

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing your beautiful smiling faces with the look of a willingness to learn and engage in the class discussion on Monday!!!

Miss Orkin

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Indroduction to Honors Geometry

These are the different
shapes that we will be dealing
with this semester!!!!

 Alright class.  Today was our first day of class, and I know that you have questions about what we went over.  So, over the course of the semester, I am going to be blogging after every class to help you with any questions that you may have.

If you, or your parents have any questions, I will be available online for a few hours to answer questions that you have.

I know that you all can do very well in this class, you just have to put forth the effort.

Good Luck!

Miss. Orkin

Angles can be fun. You will see!!!!

These are some of the instruments that we are going
to be talking about as well as using during the semester
I have some, but if you would like your own to use outside
the classroom, you can go to Wal-Mart and get some.....

These are some lines that
we will be talking about
during the course of the

These are some circles that we will be
talking about during the course of the semester!!!!!